
Boosting Our Practice: 5 Meditation Mindsets

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  The fact of life:  The people who say they cannot meditate will never mediate if they believe they cannot meditate. A lesson I have come to learn is a meditation practice teaches us that the world as we know it is what you make of it. We are a product of what we are exposed to and how we choose to interpret that exposure. If I choose to view part of myself as a non-meditator, I take on habits that reinforce that thereby making that mindset my reality. So […]

52 in 52 Book Summaries

Book Summary: Influence by Robert Cialdini | Forces of Habit

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Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini Print The Essence Written in 1984, Influence is a classic in the fields of marketing and sales that validates and categorizes the six key principles of human influence. Our lives are ruled by the automatic behavior patterns that govern human nature. With more information than ever available, our brains compartmentalize models of action that make up a majority of the conscious decisions we make. These mental shortcuts have been harnessed as ‘Weapons of Influence’ by compliance practitioners to exploit what science has discovered […]


Small Actions and Meditation: The One Minute Sit

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Starting a meditation practice can seem overwhelming causing us to put it off; I get it. And I’ve been there too. Today I’ll share with you how small actions can alter your view of meditation. Through the One Minute Sit, you can start taking advantage of a revolutionary tool for living intentionally. In the summer of 2015, I was introduced to the idea of meditation after reading the Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. The book urged me to seek out new habits that I could incorporate into my life. A late […]

52 in 52 Book Summaries

Book Summary: The Road to Character by David Brooks | Forces of Habit

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The Road to Character by David Brooks Print The Essence Brooks addresses his core issue with western modern culture; we are too achievement oriented. Using a selection of autobiographical examples, Brooks criticizes our obsession with “the Big Self” to emphasize the merits of developing character. To Brooks ‘character’ is two things. First, it is a settled disposition to do good. Moral goodness requires we escape the pattern of pleasure-seeking, and resolve to follow our callings while also identifying the core sins of ourselves so that they may be conquered. Secondly, […]


Journaling for Growth Series: 4 Tips on How to Start a Journal

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In the Journaling for Growth series, we tackle the benefits of journaling, how I have used journaling to change my life, and how you can get started journaling. You create the best book you’ll ever read. Imagine a book that held a collection of the greatest achievements, inspirations, and lessons tailored exactly for you; enter your journal. You write the best book you’ll ever read. There is no other tool that I know of that could ever match the power of something written by you, for you. The 4 tips […]

52 in 52 Book Summaries

Book Summary: The Social Animal by David Brooks | Forces of Habit

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The Social Animal by David Brooks Print The Essence In the form of a story, Brook’s attempts to dethrone what some would consider the center of the human experience; the conscious mind. Recent advancements in the science of the mind have been used to study the unconscious processes that influence our day to day lives such as our emotions, perceptions, and intuitions. Scientist’s agree that a majority of what makes us human is not the autobiographical stories that we tell ourselves, it’s the parts of the mind that we do […]


Journaling for Growth Series: A Look Inside My 2017 Journal

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In the Journaling for Growth series, we tackle the benefits of journaling, how I have used journaling to change my life, and how you can get started journaling too. When I started personal development journaling, who would have thought it would become the single most useful tool on my journey toward intentional living. Using a method developed by one of my favorite YouTubers Clark Kegley, I separated an 8.5 X 11 sketchbook into seven sections that I felt were the core of the value I was seeking in 2017. This […]

52 in 52 Book Summaries

Book Summary: David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell | Forces of Habit

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David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell Print The Essence The conventional wisdom underlying what we identify as advantages and disadvantages are not for everyone. To beat the Goliath’s (giants), the David’s (underdogs) can choose to play by a different set of rules. Once the underdogs realize it is the perspective that they take that impacts the outcome, obstacles, weakness, and adversity become the tools that breed strength, resilience, and grit. David and Goliath Summary Journal Entry: This is my book summary of David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell. My notes […]


Journaling for Growth Series: 3 Reasons Why Journaling Breeds Success

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In the Journaling for Growth series we tackle the benefits of journaling, how I have used journaling to change my life, and how you can get started journaling too. Ever since starting the site, I have been struggling to discern what my single most valuable habit is. All things considered, journaling is a top competitor. Wanna see the other nominees? Check out the top 5 habits I do every day here. Journaling has changed my life. Journaling is by far my favorite tool for intentional living. I have found no […]


Forces of Habit. Explained

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A lot of the feedback I’ve gotten about the site has been about the name. ‘What even is a force of habit?’ I’ll be using this post to clear the air about what Forces of habit means. To define the title of the site we’ll need to know a little about habit formation and the path that you and I will be traveling on our journey towards intentional living. Forces, Habits, What Does It All Mean? In physics, a force is any interaction that, when unopposed, will change the motion […]